Tuesday, November 29, 2011

The Great Farini

Shane Peacock
Biographer, Novelist, Playwright, Journalist, Screenwriter
Author of The Great Farini - The High-Wire Life of William Hunt

The Lives of Farini-Hunt - Sky Walking (Part Three)

After entering the enclosure on the American side of the Falls, he picked up his balance pole. It was now time to take his first steps over the Falls! The walk was not without problems, but he was able to overcome all of them and eventually made it to the other side. Here is Shane’s account … “An American reporter on the scene feared for Farini’s life. “The odds seemed terribly against him at this moment. There was an outcry that he never would cross and for a few moments of sickening suspense, in which he struggled with his pole, we believe half the crowd expected to see him fall.” Farini fought for his life with every once of his strength and kept his mind fixed on what had to be done. Sweat spread on his back and beads ran down his forehead and into his eyes. Then he reached inside himself and found what he needed. Locking his hips and holding his lower body rigid he tilted his upper torso sideways and slowly lifted the right side of the pole over the right guy and then carefully did the same with the left one before straightening himself and stepping forward to the next pair. He treated each set of guys similarly and slowly edged out over the gorge, steadfastly performing a strenuous and deadly feat. This part of his act was afterwards described by many onlookers as painful to watch.” Along the way he was able to perform many of the “tricks” he had promised he would do.

NOTE: Mr. Peacock has written several books. His latest series is about "The Boy Sherlock Holmes" This is a wonderful look at the legendary Sherlock Holmes, in the beginning! To learn more about Shane and all of his works, please visit his website at www.shanepeacock.ca.

(To Be Continued)

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